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Advancing our collaboration with IMII

We’re advancing our collaboration to integrate SolarSteam technology into Saskatchewan’s minerals industry with International Minerals Innovation Institute and participation of BHP, Nutrien and The Mosaic Company in the project!

apostol being filmed at pilot project

SolarSteam’s Pilot Project

We’re thrilled to share the exciting progress of SolarSteam’s pilot project in Ponoka! Going from idea to a TRL8 pilot has been an incredible journey,

smart gird technologies

Smart Grid Technologies Event

Attention early birds! Looking for something different than breakfast television? Look no further (lol)! I am presenting at the Centre for Smart Grid Technologies (SGIN)

David babich

5 Questions with David Babich

An article written by Vancouver Island University features an interview with SolarSteams co-founder and CTO David Babich, the chair of the power engineering program. This

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