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pilot project side view

SolarSteam and Scovan have joined forces

🌞 SolarSteam and Scovan have joined forces to push the boundaries of innovation and renewable energy. Together, we are taking a significant step towards a

canada venture article

Meet Alberta’s Top 15 Startups

🌞SolarSteam has been featured in the article “Incredible Energy Ventures: Meet Alberta’s Top 15 Startups” on Canada Venture! 🇨🇦 Alberta, Canada is renowned as a

global energy announcement

Global Energy Show 2023

CEO, Apostol Radev will be a panelist at the Renewable Heat session during the Global Energy Show 2023. Join him on June 14 at 11:20am

apostol being filmed at pilot project

SolarSteam’s Pilot Project

We’re thrilled to share the exciting progress of SolarSteam’s pilot project in Ponoka! Going from idea to a TRL8 pilot has been an incredible journey,

person at pilot project

SolarPACES article on SolarSteam

SolarSteam Inc. receives recognition for its #climatetech, being chosen as one of the clean tech companies with the most investment potential in Canada.  his company uses #CST technology to produce

extreme cold at pilot project

Extreme Cold Warning

EXTREME COLD WARNINGLast month we successfully tested shutdown and restart at -27.2°C/-16.6°F and today, we were able to demonstrate uninterrupted system operation at -38.6°C/-37.5°F and

industrial transformation challenge

ERA’s Industrial Transformation Challenge

SolarSteam Inc. is ready to step up to Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA)‘s Industrial Transformation Challenge to accelerate decarbonizing some of the highest emitting and hardest-to-abate heavy industry segments

solarsteams purpose

The Industrial Heat Shot™

SolarSteam Inc. is ready to step up to the challenge to develop cost-competitive solutions for industrial heat in response to the Industrial Heat Shot™ announced on

apostol and rob

Inventure$ 2022

Let’s go #Inventures$2022! SolarSteam Inc. is a Startup Pitch Finalists at Navigating to Net Zero Track! Come and see the pitches live between 3:45pm and 4:30pm on June

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