
SolarSteam technology represents a clean and renewable energy source that can reduce the carbon footprint of the petrochemical industry, offering notable advantages to businesses looking to meet sustainability goals or comply with regulatory requirements.



water conservation

Petrochemical industries require a lot of water in their processes. SolarSteam technology can be integrated with water treatment systems to recycle and reuse water, reducing the amount of fresh water needed.


cost saving

SolarSteam's versatile technology presents a valuable opportunity to cut down energy expenses. Harnessing the sun's energy enables a significant reduction in reliance on traditional, often expensive energy sources like natural gas.



SolarSteam technology can be designed to operate reliably and efficiently, with little maintenance required. This makes them a cost-effective and reliable source of energy for the petrochemical industry.

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this is how solar steam connects to your system

Petrochemical production requires a significant amount of heat for various stages of the process, such as water treatment, cleaning in place, and sterilization. Solar thermal energy can be used to provide this process heat, which can be a more sustainable and cost-effective option compared to traditional heating methods.

water treatment

The petrochemical industry requires large amounts of water for their processes. SolarSteam can be used to treat and recycle wastewater, reducing the demand for fresh water and reducing the amount of wastewater discharged.

Clean in place

SolarSteam technology can be involved in Clean-in-Place (CIP) processes in the petrochemical industry by providing heat for cleaning operations. SolarSteam systems capture sunlight and convert it into thermal energy, which can be utilized to heat water or cleaning solutions.


SolarSteam technology helps to achieve high temperatures required for sterilization in the petrochemical industry. The heat from our technology can be utilized in various sterilization methods, such as steam sterilization or hot water sterilization, to ensure the elimination of microorganisms and maintain hygienic conditions.

batch processing

The solar-heated fluid can be used in various batch processes that require heat, such as distillation, reaction vessels, or heating of raw materials. SolarSteam technology provides the necessary heat to initiate and sustain these processes.


SolarSteam technology helps in the separation of components based on their boiling points within the distillation column. The heat from the SolarSteam system increases the temperature of the liquid mixture, causing it to evaporate and rise as vapor. The vapor is then condensed to obtain the desired purified components.


SolarSteam technology helps in the vaporization of liquids within the evaporation equipment. The heat from the solar thermal system increases the temperature of the liquid, causing it to evaporate and leave behind concentrated or purified substances.

water treatment

The petrochemical industry requires large amounts of water for their processes. SolarSteam can be used to treat and recycle wastewater, reducing the demand for fresh water and reducing the amount of wastewater discharged.

Clean in place

SolarSteam technology can be involved in Clean-in-Place (CIP) processes in the petrochemical industry by providing heat for cleaning operations. SolarSteam systems capture sunlight and convert it into thermal energy, which can be utilized to heat water or cleaning solutions.


SolarSteam technology helps to achieve high temperatures required for sterilization in the petrochemical industry. The heat from our technology can be utilized in various sterilization methods, such as steam sterilization or hot water sterilization, to ensure the elimination of microorganisms and maintain hygienic conditions.

batch processing

The solar-heated fluid can be used in various batch processes that require heat, such as distillation, reaction vessels, or heating of raw materials. SolarSteam technology provides the necessary heat to initiate and sustain these processes.


SolarSteam technology helps in the separation of components based on their boiling points within the distillation column. The heat from the SolarSteam system increases the temperature of the liquid mixture, causing it to evaporate and rise as vapor. The vapor is then condensed to obtain the desired purified components.


SolarSteam technology helps in the vaporization of liquids within the evaporation equipment. The heat from the solar thermal system increases the temperature of the liquid, causing it to evaporate and leave behind concentrated or purified substances.

ready to reach new heights? Let's get there, together.

At SolarSteam, our commitment extends to serving all customers seeking solar thermal energy solutions. If you believe we can be of assistance to you, we invite you to reach out and connect with us. Your unique requirements are important to us, and we’re eager to explore how we can meet your thermal energy needs.

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